Thursday, November 12, 2009

Party Favor Box Cake

The second I laid eyes on this idea, I just had to have some! Get your free template at Better Homes and Gardens! This was super easy! I just enlarged the template by 200% and used it to create these beautiful treat boxes! I went with the Christmas theme... tis' the season! I plan on using it as an advent calendar, as there are 24 slices. Now I just need ideas for what to fill them with!


  1. That's wonderful idea. I love it. Is it hard to make?? ~ Dawn ~

  2. Not hard at all! Just fold on the fold lines of the template and use a glue stick on the glue spots, tuck in the tabs and there you have a slice! I made 24 slices to create the cake. It's a little time consuming... about 3 hours... but fun and easy to do! I was even able to watch tv while making it!

  3. Wow! You are amazing!! I think I might get brave and try one. That would make a BRILLIANT Christmas count down!

  4. This so so dang CUTE! I love that it is an advent calender too! Brillent! :)
