Monday, October 3, 2011

Fresh Journal

It's been a bit since I posted some art, things have been quite hectic here at home. My family blog is suffering too... I'm sorry! Here's the start of my fresh new journal! I'm in a huge creative whirl right now, I even have paint in my hair to prove it! Enjoy!
New pages to fill!

"Free Your Mind"

Untitled... work in progress, although I like it as is too.



"Expand Your Horizons"

Untitled... work in progress. Sometimes it's fun to see the beginning of a piece and compare it later to it's finished state. This reminds me... I want to make one of those time lapse videos while I work. Should be interesting. note to self : must Google the how to process on time lapse...

Untitled... still feel like it's missing something (other than the journaling that I have to script in there). I can create just fine, but I have writer's block at the moment.

Well, that's all for now... Until next time!